We LOVE supporting fundraisers and charities!
Victory Pro Wrestling

Victory Pro Wrestling hosts live events almost every month.

But did you know that we also do fundraisers?

If you are a parent and your child is in school, then you know many scholastic activities are run with booster funds raised by parents.  Music, theater, cheerleading, and other clubs are forced to raise money with bake sales or car washes with little or no support from the school.

We want to help.

Victory Pro Wrestling can put something together where you can sell tickets to an upcoming VPW show and raise money for your club or activity.  Kids love wrestling, and we are the premier family friendly wrestling program on Long Island.

If the idea of selling overpriced popcorn for the third year in a row makes you cringe, then it's time for a change.

Give John a call at (631) 357-1810 and let's make your next fundraiser a smash.

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Victory Pro Wrestling, Inc.
Long Island, NY
Copyright 2005 to 2022 Victory Pro Wrestling, Inc.. All rights reserved.
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